Saturday, December 17, 2011

Become a serious player

So you've decided to get serious about playing games for a living. It is possible to play games for a living. But like anything else, if you want to be successful, you have to be dedicated. You have to be serious about it. Even then, these qualities just make it possible.

You've probably heard of professional poker players. Because the term exists, this alone is evidence that it's possible for a person to make a living playing poker. Just look at Anne Duke. Her story is quite remarkable when you think about it. I saw her in an interview on a late night show once. She said that she got started by just going to a local bar and began playing poker. She ended up being quite good at it, and has since made millions.

Now let me say first off, I'm not a poker player. To be honest, I don't even know how to play poker. I was turned off by the complexity of the game, and it seemed as if it would require skills that I just wasn't willing to put forth the time and effort to acquire, and master. But many people do play the game. And there are a lot of people out there that aren't like me.

When I was looking into poker, the first thing I did was get a book. Because I don't know how to play, I figured I'd read a book and learn. I would then study the game and learn more about how to gain advantages in order to become really good at it. This is what it often takes to be good at just about any game that requires skill. Because there are professional poker players, I'm confident that poker is no different. The game didn't seem like a good fit for me, but maybe it is for you.

Like I said, the first thing a person has to do in order to master any game, is to find advantages. Take golf, for instance. I don't play golf, but I know that there are certain keys to being good at it. A person's form, the type of club that they use, perhaps how they grip the club, are all factors when it comes to making a good hit. A good golfer understands the proper form, the right club, and so on, in order to get that hit. This knowledge, along with practice, gives them an advantage. The player that has the greatest advantage, is the one that is most likely to win the competition. There's no mystical secret here. It's just a matter of getting the greatest advantage in order to beat your opponent.

The following links offer tools to people who are serious about mastering games. I don't play many games anymore. But if you're interested, it's possible that these sites may be helpful.

Click here for a book about poker

Click here for poker tools

Click here to become a poker dealer

Click here for online poker strategies

Click here for a poker seminar

Click here for blackjack tools